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召开于1979年的全国第四次文代会,有着历史大转折语境所赋予的复杂与艰难。作为文代会的筹备机构,中国文联在“文革”后的恢复工作遭遇层层阻力,经历了一个从民间诉求到官方认可的漫漫进程。中央提出的“团结一致向前看”的会议方针,则不仅受到代表们“历史牢骚”的冲击,更遭遇了重现文坛的“派系斗争”的干扰,“大团结”的历史表述背后有着文人们的心酸与怨气。主题报告的起草与修改充满争议,文学与政治的关系、“十七年”文学及文艺运动的定位、“伤痕文学”的评价等当时的热点话题,成为报告的起草难点与争论焦点。文代会的筹备亦凸显并激化了文艺界领导层的观念分歧,尽管中央与分歧双方都曾作出调和的努力,但矛盾的难以消弭终使以周扬为核心的文艺界领导集体无可奈何地走向分裂。 The Fourth National Assembly of the People’s Republic of China, convened in 1979, has the complexity and hardships endowed by the great historical turning point. As the preparatory agency for the Cultural Revolution, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles encountered resistance after the “Cultural Revolution” and went through a long process from civil appeal to official recognition. The conference guideline put forth by the Central Committee for “unite toward the future” is not only affected by the “grievances” made by the deputies but also suffered from “factional struggles” that reproduce the literary world. “The great unity ”Behind the historical expression of the literati sad and grievances. The drafting and revising of the thematic report is full of controversy, the relation between literature and politics, the positioning of “Seventeen Years” literary and literary movement, and the evaluation of “Scar Literature” were the hot topics and controversies in the drafting of the report focus. The preparations for the establishment of the Cultural Assembly also highlighted and intensified the ideological differences between the leaders of the literary and art circles. Despite the efforts made by both the central government and the dissidents, it was hard to eliminate contradictions and ultimately help the leaders of the literary and art circles with Zhou Yang at their fingertips to do anything but split.
<正> 中国的扇子起源极其悠远。晋代学者崔豹在《古今注》记载:“舜广开视听,求贤人自辅,作五明扇,此扇之始也。”由此可知,我国早在传说中的虞舜时代就有了扇子。扇子最早的
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