诺丽果(Noni Fruit)源自于南太平洋西萨摩亚群岛上的原始热带森林区,这里的土壤肥沃,水质纯净,且空气清新,最适合用来种植最高品质的诺丽果。诺丽果含有丰富的赛诺宁原(Proxeronine)和赛诺宁脢(Proxeronase),它们会在人体的肠道内转化成“赛诺宁”(Xeronine)。赛诺宁是一种生物碱,它能使蛋白质活化,并能使身体受损的细胞再度活跃,维护人体细胞的正常运作,协调人体内分泌腺,强化脑部松果体正常运作,活化生理机能。
Noni Fruit is derived from the pristine tropical forest on the Western Samoa Islands of the South Pacific. Its fertile soil, pure water and fresh air make it ideal for growing the highest quality noni fruit. Noni fruit is rich in Proxeronine and Proxeronase, which are converted into Xeronine in the human gut. Cyclobalanol is an alkaloid that activates proteins and reactivates damaged cells in the body, maintaining the normal functioning of human cells, coordinating the body’s endocrine glands, strengthening the normal functioning of the brain’s pineal gland, and activating the physiological functions .