皮肌炎是一种以皮肤、肌肉及小血管炎症为特征的、严重的结缔组织疾病。国外1863年 Wagner 首次报告,国内1952年陈氏首次报告,因较为少见,故未引起注意。自从 Klem-per 提倡胶原病学说以来,开始引起人们注意。近年来,随着诊断水平提高,该病有增加的趋势,到1978年底,国内文献共报告172例(1978年4篇报道中就有96例)。该病除主要侵犯皮肤、肌肉外,还侵犯内脏系统,常并发恶性肿瘤。若不及时治疗,预后较差,故有必要提高
Dermatomyositis is a serious connective tissue disease characterized by inflammation of the skin, muscles and small blood vessels. Foreign Wagner first reported in 1863, the first report of Chen in 1952 in China, because of the more rare, it did not draw attention. Since Klem-per advocated the theory of collagen disease, began to attract attention. In recent years, with the improvement of diagnosis, the disease tends to increase. By the end of 1978, 172 cases were reported in domestic literature (96 of the 4 reports in 1978). The disease in addition to the main violations of the skin, muscles, but also violations of the visceral system, often complicated by malignant tumors. If not treated, the prognosis is poor, so it is necessary to improve