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我每天都在家门口的田地里玩,摇摇晃晃地在田间的小埂上走来走去,小心翼翼地跨过那些沟壑,甚至手脚并用地爬过横架在沟渠上的“独木桥”……一天又一天,我的活动“领地”不断地扩大。小树林小树林里可好玩了!远远看过去,一丛丛悬垂的白色刺棘花,就像一片白色织锦,能隐隐闻到淡淡花香。我觉得那就是世界上最漂亮的花了,家里蓝印花布被面上的白色小花,哪有这花好看!可是,走近了,刺棘花怎么变丑了,花瓣小小的,薄薄 Every day I play in the fields in front of my house, walking unsteadily over the little pies in the fields, carefully crossing those ravines, and even crawling across the ditch on the ditch with my arms and legs ... ... day after day, my activities “territory ” continue to expand. Grove grove can be fun! Viewed from afar, a bundle of piles of white thorn spines, like a white tapestry, can faint smell of faint flowers. I think that is the most beautiful flower in the world, the home blue printed cloth is the face of the white flowers, how can the flowers look good! However, approached, how the thorns flower became ugly, petal small, thin
在酒吧遇见她时,我几乎未曾认出。  她和平时的样子大相径庭,印象中的她,是白衬衣、黑长裤的拥趸者,也有恰好的气质衬得起寂寞的黑白色和规矩的款式。  她是我的上司,30岁,中人之姿但气质绝佳,是那种良好家境、高等教育及自身社会地位慢慢培养出的淡定优雅。事业有成、婚姻稳妥,已是两岁孩子的妈妈。  但那晚的她,却完全是另一副样子——夸张的棕色大波浪发卷、深蓝色眼影、玫瑰红唇,黑色紧身露背装、墨绿色短裤、
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The diagnosis of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis(TB) seems relatively difficult due to the absence of specific symptoms and signs in patients on peritoneal dialysi
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自动回复  “在吗?”“嗯。”“有件事想跟你说。”“嗯。”“我一直都在偷偷喜欢你。”“嗯。”“你喜欢我吗?”“嗯。”“自动回复?”“不是。”  摇空姐  一个哥们儿,每天喜欢站在空旷顶层高台上望飞机飞过,每次只要看到飞机飞过头顶,就使劲摇手机!我问他干吗?他说:“这样说不定能摇到一个空姐。”  在美国  有一天在微信里加了一个女的,她说自己在美国,马上要回国了,好激动。当时,我多想用标准的普通话告