第四届梅花奖获得者的汇报演出很快就要举行。戏迷们喜形于色.奔走相告。看见戏迷们对于梅花奖如此的仰慕与关注之情,我想起了去年春天的一桩事: 那是第三届梅花奖授奖仪式之后的几天汇报演出。那天,人民剧场,灯火辉煌。舞台上,《英雄义》里的史文恭和林冲正在“枪”战。只见银蛇飞舞,难解难分。但渐渐的,史文恭力不从心,败下阵来。这一切,符合剧情,观众谁也没看出什么。但后台的人却捏着一把汗,因为史文恭的扮演者、本届“梅花奖”的获得者王立军那天是带病上场的。果然,王立军一下场,面色苍白,虚汗淋淋,浑身一点劲儿也没有地
Reported by the fourth plum prize winner will be held soon. The fans are in good shape. Seeing the fans’ admiration and concern for the Plum Blossom, I remembered what happened last spring: a few days after the third Plum Blossom Award ceremony. That day, the people’s theater, brilliant lights. On the stage, Gong Wen Gong and Lin Chong in “Heroes of Virtue” are “gunning” war. I saw silver snake flying, indifferent. But gradually, the history of Gong Cong powerless, defeated. All this, in line with the plot, the audience who did not see anything. However, people in the background are holding a sweat, because Shi Gong Christine actor, the current “Plum Blossom Award” winner Wang Lijun that day is sick. Sure enough, Wang Lijun a bleak, pale, sweating, covered with little effort and no ground