1 问题的提出 青州市西南山区为石灰岩低山丘陵区,总面积750km~2,拥有耕地面积1.39万hm~2。多年平均降水量为700~800mm,地表水径流系数为0.23,年平均径流量为12475万m~3,地表水相对较丰富。但是,地下水埋深一般在百米以上,深者高达500m,单井上水量区域性
1 PROBLEM PROBLEMS The southwestern mountainous area of Qingzhou is a hilly area of limestone with a total area of 750km ~ 2 and an area of 13,900 ha of cultivated land. The annual average precipitation is 700 ~ 800mm, the runoff coefficient of surface water is 0.23, the annual average runoff is 124750000 m ~ 3, and the surface water is relatively abundant. However, the groundwater depth is generally above 100 meters, up to 500 meters deep, single well on the amount of regional