In order to obtain high-quality and sufficient Fas protein, the open reading frame of Fas gene was adjusted by PCR to make it consistent with the biotinylated protein gene reading frame. The start codon of FascDNA gene was deleted and an Escherichia coli biased termination was added Codon to construct Fetal-Fas fusion protein and biotinylated fusion plasmid. The recombinant plasmid was transformed into E.coli HB101 and induced by 500mmol IPTG for 4h at 37 ℃. The fusion protein was highly expressed in E.coli by SDS-PAGE and Western blot. The expressed protein was 13.8% of the total bacterial protein. Affinity chromatography of the biotinylated fusion protein with affinity chromatography resin yielded the recombinant Fas protein, and the expressed Fas fusion protein had antibody binding activity. The successful expression of this protein will solve the difficult problem of Fas membrane protein extraction and provide a good source of material for further study of Fas