Some provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) hydrological intelligence forecasting application of computer technology exchange of experience in May 1987 May 11 to 15 held in Hefei. 59 representatives from production, research institutes and institutes attended the meeting. The meeting exchanged experiences of using microcomputer technology in hydrological information forecast in recent years, and some representatives also made live performance performances. Some units developed real-time hydrological processing system, with automatic transcoding, hydrological search and display, tabulation, graphics and other functions. This indicates that our country has reached a new level of application of microcomputer technology in hydrological work and has initially changed the backward situation of relying on manual handling of hydrological information for a long time. But also plays an important role in flood control and reservoir regulation in recent years and has achieved great social and economic benefits. The meeting held that the application of microcomputer technology in hydrological work is an important flood control non-engineering measure and should be popularized and developed at an accelerated pace.