还有一周就是圣诞节了,玛丽莎·梅耶尔(Marissa Mayer)站在寓所的卧室里,周围都是同事。那是她在四季酒店(Four Seasons)38层的一个高级公寓,价值500万美元。现在,她的家正举办着一个聚会。33岁的梅耶尔身材高挑,穿着一件C.D.Greene的深紫色裙子,上面缀有亮晶晶的珠片,优雅极了。这位Google的副总裁,聪明绝顶,相貌出众,素有Google“第一美女工程师”之称。梅耶尔喜欢艺术,每个来寓所的客人都会惊叹天花板上的玻璃艺术品,那是著名玻璃艺术家戴尔·契胡利(Dale Chihuly)的作品由400块特制的玻璃构成海洋动植物群的形象。吧台后面,是一面发光墙板,上面嵌有576个乒乓球,那是梅耶尔用了8个周末的时间独自完成的杰作,据说灵感来自2005年U2乐队演唱会上的灯光布置。
Another week is Christmas, and Marissa Mayer stands in the bedroom of her apartment, surrounded by colleagues. It was her $ 38 million luxury apartment on the 38th floor of Four Seasons. Now her home is hosting a party. Meyer, 33, tall and tall, wore a dark purple skirt by C.D.Greene, adorned with sparkling beads and elegance. The Google vice president, extremely intelligent, looks outstanding, known as Google “the first beauty engineer ” said. Mayer likes art, and every guest who comes to the apartment marvels the glasswork on the ceiling, the image of the famous glass artist Dale Chihuly, composed of 400 specially made glass marine animals and plants . Behind the bar is a luminous wall panel with 576 ping-pong balls on it, which Meyer spent eight weekend-long masterpieces, said to be inspired by the 2005 U2 band concert lighting.