【摘 要】
<正>October 19,2007 Vice Premier Wu Yi,PRC On behalf of Chinese government,I would like to congratulate the 20th Foundation of World Federation of Acupuncture-M
<正>October 19,2007 Vice Premier Wu Yi,PRC On behalf of Chinese government,I would like to congratulate the 20th Foundation of World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies(WFAS)and International Acupuncture Congress which is to be held in Be
<正> '红顶商人'胡雪岩的故事曾在大陆影视和图书市场风行一时,想不到,时至今日,在安徽一些县市也正在批量上演'红顶商人'的现代版。比如,主管政法工作的县
<正> 安徽省休宁县和祁门县于2001年、2002年连续调低部分乡镇虚报的农民收入数,重新戴回了脱去十多年的贫困县帽子。这件本来值得肯定的事情,却遭到了黄山市一些领导的批评,
<正> '我们相信:只要人类存在,缝纫机就是永远的青春行业' 一个人的信仰或者理念或者追求,都有一个与时俱进的过程。坦率地说,在创办企业之前,我根本没有什么信仰可
<正>Furuncle is the acute purulent disease , mainly manifested aslocal redness ,swelling and burning pain,caused by shallow invasion of fire toxinin the body.Th
<正>Facial paralysis is the common disease in clinic, manifested mainly as deviation of mouth and eye,incom-plete close of eyes and facial muscle dysfunction. T
<正>DENG Moumou, female, 47 years old, a teacher. She came to see the doctor on 5 November, 2007. Chief Complaints: the herpes zoster appeared on the left lower