Spironolactone is a potassium-releasing sodium diuretic that is compatible with other diuretics to reduce the hypokalemia caused by diuresis. Because of its anti-aldosterone effect, the use of hepatic ascites better. It is widely used clinically, less reported side effects. Now a case of liver ascites patients, the use of spironolactone rash, headache, memory loss and calculation, etc., are reported as follows: Han, male, 25 years old. Due to nausea, vomiting with the skin, scleral buckthorn half moon, January 4, 1986 admission. Patients have a history of chronic hepatitis 4 years. Physical examination of chronic hepatitis disease, skin, sclera severe yellow dye, visible spider nevus neck, bulging abdomen, liver and spleen not touched, signs of ascites (-). Laboratory tests: white blood cells 3,800, platelets 70,000, 14mg of bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase 440u, thymol turbidity test 14u, thymol flocculus test (+++), albumin and