
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnzxjl
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旅游业经过了较长时间的漫长发展,消费者越来越多,旅游业也更加受到关注,而当前旅游业的竞争是日益激烈。本文就旅游业方面进行了相关的探讨,首先对旅游投资的几个特点作了简要的概述,其次就如何进行财务方面的管理展开了研究。 After a long time of tourism development, consumers are more and more, tourism is also more concerned about, and the current competition in the tourism industry is increasingly fierce. This article has carried on the related discussion on the tourism industry, first has carried on the brief summary to some characteristics of the tourism investment, secondly has carried on the research to how to carry on the financial aspect management.