疱疹性口炎为婴幼儿常见的急性口腔黏膜感染性疾病,病原体为单纯疱疹病毒I型(HSV I),潜伏期约为1周,患者年龄越小,全身反应越剧烈(发热、烦躁、流涎、啼哭、拒食等),口腔症状越重,多发生于6月龄~3岁幼儿。临床表现为:唇、颊、舌、牙龈及上腭黏膜红肿,出现成簇与散在2 mm左右的小水疱,或破溃形成糜烂,糜烂可相互融合成片,口周或唇红部的水疱破溃后,可出现糜烂、渗出、结痂[1]。目前临床上治疗疱疹性口炎常用口服抗病毒口服液及外
Herpetic stomatitis is an acute oral mucosal infectious disease common in infants and young children. The pathogen is herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV I), with an incubation period of about 1 week. The younger the patient is, the more severe the systemic reaction (fever, irritability, salivation, Crying, antifeeding, etc.), the more severe oral symptoms, occurred in 6 months to 3 years old children. Clinical manifestations: lip, cheek, tongue, gum and palate mucosa inflamed, there cluster and scattered in 2 mm small blisters, or ulceration to form erosion, erosion can be combined into a piece of film, perioral or lip red blisters After rupture, there may be erosion, exudation, scab [1]. The current clinical treatment of herpes stomatitis commonly used oral antiviral oral solution and outside