目的调查钦州市沿海贝类产品中无机砷的本底含量和污染情况。方法结合国家2012年食品风险监测计划,按照GB/T 5009.11-2003《食品卫生检验方法理化部分(一)食品中总砷及无机砷的测定》进行测定,监测数据处理使用SPSS 19.0统计软件进行统计学分析。结果 54份海水贝类产品中无机砷的检测结果:最低0.23mg/kg,最高0.50 mg/kg,均值0.38 mg/kg。样品中无机砷的含量均符合国家标准要求。结论本地目前常见市售海产贝类活鲜产品在无机砷含量方面尚处于安全水平。
Objective To investigate the background content and pollution of inorganic arsenic in coastal shellfish products in Qinzhou City. Methods Combined with the national food risk monitoring plan in 2012, the measurement was carried out according to GB / T 5009.11-2003 “Physical and chemical testing of food hygiene test methods (I) Determination of total arsenic and inorganic arsenic in food”, and the monitoring data was processed using SPSS 19.0 statistical software Analysis. Results The detection results of inorganic arsenic in 54 seawater shellfish products showed the lowest 0.23mg / kg, the highest 0.50 mg / kg, the average 0.38 mg / kg. The content of inorganic arsenic in the sample meets the national standard. Conclusion The current local market of live seafood fresh seafood products in terms of inorganic arsenic is still at a safe level.