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我场常见的白蚁有6—7种,以黑翅土白蚁和黄翅大白蚁对林木危害最大,对杉木的危害尤为严重。我们认真学习了外地挖白蚁的经验,两年来解剖了六十八个以巢,初步了解白蚁的生活习性和危害规律,能比较正确地判断蚁巢位置。在此基础上进行了压烟法防治白蚁的试验,其方法和效果如下:压烟方法在蚁巢附近开探测沟,一般在入土2—3尺深左右即可发现白蚁主蚁道。确定蚁道走向后,在通向主巢的蚁道下方挖一个烟包洞,以能放下一公斤烟剂即可,燃后将烟剂放入洞内点燃。当见发浓的烟时,用铁制挡烟板将洞口盖住,挡烟板应比洞口略大,并用泥土密封挡烟板四周,不让烟从洞口外溢,而后将打气筒与挡板上气眼接好,打气压烟6—8分钟,使烟 There are 6-7 kinds of common termites in our field. The black termites termites and yellow-winged termites are most harmful to the trees and the damage to the Chinese fir is especially serious. We conscientiously learned the experience of digging termites in the field. In the past two years, we dissected 68 nests and learned about the termites’ habits and laws of harm. We can judge the nest position more correctly. On this basis, the method of preventing and treating termites by the method of suppressing the smoke was carried out. The method and the effect are as follows: The method of suppressing the pressure of smoke opens a detection ditch near the ant nests, and the termites of the termites are usually found at a depth of about 2-3 feet. Determine the direction of the ant, after digging a cigarette hole under the ant tunnel leading to the main nest, so as to be able to put down one kilogram of tobacco smoke. After burning, put the tobacco into the hole and ignite it. When you see the thick smoke, the iron block to cover the hole, block tobacco board should be slightly larger than the hole, and sealed with soil around the smoke block, do not let smoke from the hole spill, and then pump and baffle On the eye of a good eye, cheer pressure 6-8 minutes to make smoke
1=D兰 4(女声表演唱)陕西省延安县文化馆曲 安徽省阜阳县病虫侧报站填词}!:(丝二{二二1型毕1二,)二}}(齐呼)以防为主,综合防治。:二丝{__/、矛产户~.、__请下载后查看,本文暂
马尾松毛虫(Dendorolimus punctatusWalker)是松林的主要大害虫,它历来为害严重。根据各地多年实践的经验,采取以生物防治为主的综合措施,是防治松毛虫根本的、有效的途径,
摘 要: 尽管早在十多年前我国的基础英语教育就提倡听说领先, 但是英语口语却被认为不如阅读和写作实用而一直被冷落一边。本文试对初中英语口语教学展开分析。  关键词: 初中英语口语 存在问题 实践看法  2001年我国教育部颁布中学新《英语课程标准》,强调英语口语技能的培养。全国各地的中学响应教育部号召,更换英语教材,将培养学生的英语交际能力作为教学的基本目标……如此轰轰烈烈的改革现在看来似乎只是“
男声独唱 1=F备 每分钟63拍 朱小松词 成学曲 (1.亏51 高亢地 7 2 1 2 6 54- 厂、 5。5 4325一 想了那么久, 梦过多少回, 引丝些鱼卫」全鱼」2 6 2 2 1 65一 厂、产一、 6 56