
来源 :中国民族 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuliaocanglang
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远看,晨雾中的山林好像是从牛奶里长出的青苗,牛奶几乎淹没了这些绿色,让树木显出矮小。晨雾散了(说散也不对,雾在阳光和晨风里渐渐稀薄了),树木高大耸立,露出森林世界的规模。岩石上结着一如远古遗留的苔藓,松树的树皮浑似裹着被雨水淋湿的皮革的铠甲。更薄的雾气从枝叶缝隙斜入的光线里升腾,不知从哪个方向传来清脆的鹿铃。这是敖鲁古雅夏季的清晨,养鹿的鄂温克人开始了童话般的一天。把这样的生活称为“童话”有一点矫饰,山林民族的劳作摆脱不了苦和累。然而他们 In the distance, the forest in the morning mist seemed to be the young plant growing from the milk, the milk almost submerged these greens and made the trees appear short. Morning fog is scattered (that is not right scattered, the fog gradually thinning in the sun and morning wind), tall trees stand to reveal the size of the forest world. As the ancient moss left on the rock, the bark of the pine tree is like leather armor wrapped in rain. Thinner mist from the foliage sloping slope into the light rising, I do not know from which direction came the crisp deer bells. This is Aoluguya summer early morning, deer Ewenki began a fairy tale day. Call this kind of life “fairy tale ” a little pretense, the work of the mountain forest nation can not get rid of bitter and tired. However, they
运行时间达12万小时的钢球磨煤机,其端盖内圈衬瓦螺栓孔处沿端盖周向产生长约1 900 m m 的贯穿性裂纹。为节省经费, 决定采用超低氢焊条冷补焊工艺对端盖进行补焊修复。补焊后经表面检
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