北京市劲松职业高中在20年的办学过程中,十分重视提高学生的就业能力、疏通学生的就业渠道,学生就业率始终保持在99%以上。1999年正式组建了职业指导处,进一步强化了职业指导工作,形成招生、就业良性循环。 学校与诸多用人单位签定协议,接纳学校组织的学生实践活动;在用人单位有紧急临时任务时,学校派学生支援,达到了企业和学生双赢的目的。
In its 20 years of running a school, Beijing Jinsong Vocational High School attaches great importance to improving the employability of students and opening up employment channels for students. The employment rate of students has remained above 99%. In 1999, the Vocational Guidance Office was formally established to further strengthen career guidance and create a virtuous circle of enrollment and employment. Schools and many employers signed an agreement to accept the practice of student organizations in schools; employers have emergency temporary tasks, the school sent students to support, to achieve a win-win business and students purposes.