当前社会上出现了学习钢琴的热潮,由于专业钢琴老师极为有限,于是教琴的重任便落在遍布城镇的中、小学音乐教师身上,中、小学音乐教师们自身对钢琴的认识,便直接影响下一代的钢琴素质。而高等师范学校音乐教育专业是培养面向普教的音乐师资,故此定要把好师专生的关。 而师专生,不似专业音乐(或艺术)院校的学生有扎实的“童子功”。由于种种原因,他们在上师专前大都没接触过钢琴,起点很低。在我从教的几年里,注意到这样一个现象:初次学琴的学生在初学过程中或因理解错误,或因急于求成,对一些基本概念理解得含混不清,有时甚至出现了舍本求末的现象,使自己走了不少弯路。大致表现在以下几方面:
There is a boom in learning the piano in the present community. Due to the extremely limited number of professional piano teachers, the task of teaching a piano falls on primary and secondary school music teachers throughout the town. Primary and secondary school music teachers’ own understanding of the piano has a direct impact The next generation of piano quality. The higher normal school of music education is to cultivate music teachers for general education, so we must put a good teacher students off. The students, not like professional music (or art) students have a solid “boy Gong.” For a variety of reasons, most of them did not come into contact with the piano before the Guru, the starting point is very low. In my years of teaching, I noticed a phenomenon in which students who first learned the piano were ambiguous about some of the basic concepts in their introductory or misunderstood understanding, Seek the end of the phenomenon, so that they take a lot of detours. Generally reflected in the following aspects: