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在我国逐步放开医疗市场、鼓励社会资本进入的背景下,民营医院应运而生。他们从最初街头个体诊所的小打小闹,到现在的已成气候,民营医院一路走来。虽然磕磕绊绊,但却呈现出星火燎原之势。特别是近几年,民营医院更是实实在在地渗透进了我们的生活,渗透进了每座城市的医疗卫生事业,成为当前医疗战线的一支生力军。目前,国家从立法及相关宏观政策层面已经确立了民营医院的合法乃至与公立医院平等的地位。民营医院对于我国医疗卫生事业的完善必不可少。另外,因为在服务模式和经营管理上,他们比公立医院更具某些优势,所以随着国家医疗体制的改革,民营医院将会是作为与外资和中外合资医院竞争的一个重要砝码。2004年4月9日,时任卫生部常务副部长高强在天津召开的全国卫生工作会议上明确提出:积极鼓励社会组织和个人参与医疗服务事业,对于社会资金投入医疗事业的,允许出资人取得合理回报。民营医院再次成为热点投资话题。可以说,民营医院发展的越快,医疗市场竞争也越激烈,这应该是件好事,因为最终受益的是百姓群众。民营医院将会带给医疗行业怎样的变革?又将会带给老百姓怎样的影响?这些都值得我们每一个人关注。 In the context of China’s gradual liberalization of the medical market and encouragement of social capital, private hospitals came into being. From the initial street private clinics to the small ones, it has become a climate nowadays, and private hospitals have come along. Although it is embarrassing, it shows a tendency of sparking. Especially in recent years, private hospitals have actually penetrated into our lives, penetrated into the medical and health services of each city, and become a new force in the current medical front. At present, the state has established the legal status of private hospitals and equal status with public hospitals from the perspective of legislation and related macroeconomic policies. Private hospitals are indispensable for the improvement of China’s medical and health services. In addition, because of their service model and management, they have some advantages over public hospitals. Therefore, with the reform of the national healthcare system, private hospitals will be an important weight to compete with foreign and Sino-foreign joint venture hospitals. On April 9, 2004, Gao Qiang, the then Deputy Minister of Health at the National Health Work Conference held in Tianjin, clearly stated that: Actively encourage social organizations and individuals to participate in medical services, and allow investors to obtain social funds for medical services. Reasonable return. Private hospitals have once again become a hot topic of investment. It can be said that the faster the development of private hospitals, the more fierce the competition in the medical market. This should be a good thing, because the ultimate benefit is the people. What kind of changes will the private hospitals bring to the medical industry and how will it affect the people? These are all worthy of our attention.
进口国对外国实行商品倾销的进口货物所征收的一种进口附加税。其目的是要抵制外国低价商品的竞争,保护国内工业和国内市场。 关税与贸易总协定关于反倾销的问题,作了下列规