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在众多的使金文人中,洪皓是一位极具特色的使者。1129年洪皓出使金国,被羁留于金国达15年之久,方得遣归。15年流落北方的独特经历和威武不能屈、贫贱不能移的人格魅力,为他在后世赢得了极好的声名。不但如此,他留金期间为宋金文化的交流,尤其是宋代文化在金国的传播,也做出了重要的贡献。这种贡献一方面表现为洪皓在羁留金地的15年中,以其才艺教授金人贵族子弟,提高了女真贵族的文化素质;另一方面表现为其使金期间所创作的文字,成为促进金初文学生成的重要因子。洪皓留存至今的《鄱阳集》等作品生动地记录了他在金国的心路历程。而其词的创作与传播,也展示了一位使者的不屈意志与爱国、思乡情怀,奠定了处于初创时期的金代词坛的基础,为金词的形成与发展做出了贡献。 Hong Hao is one of the most influential messengers among many scholars who make money. Hong Hao Hao Jinping 1129, was detained in Jin Guoda for 15 years, the party was sent back. The unique experience of fifteen years of living in the North and the incompetence of the valiant and impoverished people have earned him a very good reputation in later generations. Not only that, during his stay in gold for Song and Jin culture, especially the spread of Song culture in the Kingdom, also made an important contribution. On the one hand, this contribution shows that in the 15 years of Hong Kong’s detention of the Golden Habitat, Hong Hao has taught her noble and noble children with her talent to raise the cultural quality of the Jurists. On the other hand, her performance of writing during her stay as a promoter The early Jin Dynasty literary important factor. Hong Hao retained the “Poyang Collection” and other works vividly recorded his mentality in the Golden State. The creation and dissemination of his Ci also demonstrated the indomitable will and patriotism and homesickness of an envoy and laid the foundation of the Jin Dynasty Ci verse in the initial stage and contributed to the formation and development of the Ci.
掌握解释词语的方法,准确地解释词义,是学习语文的一种重要能力。现将解释词语的主要方法介绍如下。 1、环境分析法把词语放在具体的语言环境中去理解,做到“词不离句”。这
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