Discovery of Balmer broad absorption lines in the quasar LBQS 1206+1052

来源 :天文和天体物理学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:winter2009
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We report the discovery of Balmer broad absorption lines (BALs) in the quasar LBQS 1206+1052 and present a detailed analysis of the peculiar absorption line spectrum.Besides the Mg Ⅱ λλ2796,2803 doublet,BALs are also detected in the He Ⅰ* multiplet at λλ2946,3189,3889(A) arising from the metastable helium 23S level,and in Hα and Hβ from the excited hydrogen H Ⅰ* n =2 level,which are rarely seen in quasar spectra.We identify two components in the BAL troughs of △v ~2000 km s-1 width:One component shows an identical profile in H Ⅰ*,He Ⅰ* and Mg Ⅱ with its centroid blueshifted by —vc ≈ 726 km s-1.The other component is detected in He Ⅰ* and Mg Ⅱ with —vc ≈ 1412 km s-1.We estimate the column densities of H Ⅰ*,He Ⅰ*,and Mg Ⅱ,and compare them with possible level population mechanisms.Our results favor the scenario that the Balrner BALs originate in a partially ionized region with a column density of NH ~ 1021 - 1022 cm-2 for an electron density of ne ~ 106 - 108 cm-3 via Lyα resonant scattering pumping.The harsh conditions needed may help to explain the rarity of Balmer absorption line systems in quasar spectra.With ani-band PSF magnitude of 16.50,LBQS 1206+1052 is the brightest Balmer-BAL quasar ever reported.Its high brightness and unique spectral properties make LBQS 1206+1052 a promising candidate for followup high-resolution spectroscopy,multi-band observations,and long-term monitoring.
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