迎难而上办盛会 求实创新争一流

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要实现跨越式发展,必须有一个坚强有力的领导集体,有一种团结协作、艰苦奋斗、敢于创新、勇创一流的团队精神。在5月下旬自治区先进性教育活动办公室组织的“永葆先进,争创一流”经验交流会上,自治区农垦局党组、自治区博览局党组、广西医科大学党委、柳州市《八桂大歌》剧组、柳州铁路局南宁客运段5/6次车队党总支等五个单位党组织,分别介绍了他们在各自的岗位上,发挥党组织的核心作用和共产党员的先锋模范作用,带领群众争创一流业绩的经验和体会。本刊决定在第10、11期刊发他们的经验和体会文章,以进一步推动全区保持共产党员先进性教育活动的深入开展,确保先进性教育活动真正取得实效,成为群众满意工程。 To achieve leapfrog development, there must be a strong and powerful leadership collective with a team spirit of unity and cooperation, hard work, innovation and bravery. At the exchanging meeting on “Keep Forever Advanced and Create First-class” organized by the Office of Advanced Educational Activities of Autonomous Region in late May, the Party Committee of Autonomous Region Reclamation Bureau, the Party Bureau of Autonomous Region Bureau of Biodiversity, the Party Committee of Guangxi Medical University, , Liuzhou Railway Administration Nanning passenger section 5/6 team general Party branch and other units of the five units, respectively, introduced them in their respective posts, to play the core role of party organizations and party members vanguard and exemplary role in leading the masses to create First-class performance experience and experience. The magazine decides to publish their experiences and articles in the 10th and 11th issues in order to further promote the education campaign to maintain the advanced nature of Communists in the entire district and ensure that the advanced nature education activities are truly effective and have become satisfactory works for the masses.
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