在省人民政府的办公桌上,出现了一份编号为108号的提案——省政协三个委员联名提出:要把“假如我是广州市长”活动推向全省,进一步活跃民主风气。说起这份提案的产生,还有一段故事呢! 几个月来,《南风窗》杂志与软科学开发服务公司发起的“假如我是广州市长”活动,一浪高过一浪地展开,使原来清静无声的省文史馆也时不时热闹起来,好些年逾花甲的老者凑在一起,戴上老花镜,手里拿着《南风窗》和报纸,指指点点,议论风生,饶有兴味地谈论着市民争当不掌印“市长”的新鲜事。众人异口同声地说:“‘假如我是广州市长’活动开风气之先,搞得好!”
At the provincial people’s government’s desk, there was a bill number 108. The three members of the CPPCC National Committee jointly proposed: We should further promote the democratic culture by pushing “if I am the mayor of Guangzhou” to the whole province. Speaking of the proposal, there is a story about it! In a few months, “South Winds” magazine and soft science development services company launched the “If I was Guangzhou Mayor” activities, wave after wave Unfolded, so that the original silence of the Provincial Museum of History is also lively from time to time up, some years more than the old man get together, put on reading glasses, holding the “South Winds” and newspapers, pointing, discuss windy, Interestingly talking about the public debate when the “mayor” is not new palm thing. The crowd said in unison: "’If I’m the mayor of Guangzhou’, I will do a good job in opening up the event.