In vitro study of neuroendocrine regulation over the testicular development in mud crabs Scylla serr

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:doni123
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The reproductive endocrine activities of neuroendocrine organs and androgenic glands (AG) in male Scylla serrata were investigated with co-incubation technology. In vitro studies show that: (1) the AG in Stage Ⅲ can significantly accelerate the development of seminiferous tubules and spermic matu- ration; (2) the brain, thoracic ganglia and optic ganglia have no direct influence over the testicular devel- opment; (3) the brain and thoracic ganglia can significantly promote the growth of the AG cells and highly significantly boost the ratio of Type B cells, while the optic ganglia have no such effects. It is the first time for in vitro investigations to confirm that the brain and thoracic ganglia can regulate testicular development through AG in male crustaceans. The reproductive endocrine activities of neuroendocrine organs and androgenic glands (AG) in male Scylla serrata were investigated with co-incubation technology. In vitro studies show that: (1) the AG in Stage III can significantly accelerate the development of seminiferous tubules and spermic matu (2) the brain, thoracic ganglia and optic ganglia have no direct influence over the testicular devel- opment; (3) the brain and thoracic ganglia can significantly promote the growth of the AG cells and highly significantly boost the ratio of Type B cells, while the optic ganglia have no such effects. It is the first time for in vitro investigations to confirm that the brain and thoracic ganglia can regulate testicular development through AG in male crustaceans.
To compare genetic markers for population genetics analysis, allozyme electrophoresis and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) were used to detect the geneti
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