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本文旨在考察债权保障及其相关制度。文章认为债权保障包括债权实现的保障与债权存续的保障;债权效力是债权保障的内在动力,法律赋予的债权效力有请求力、执行力、依法自力实现、处分权能和保持力等。文章具体分析了构成债权保障制度的各项制度。鉴于责任财产制度在保障债权方面的关键地位和作用,本文特别对责任财产的概念作了辨析,并区分了责任财产的类型。文章结论部分阐述了各种债权保障制度之间的关系。 This article aims to examine the claims protection and related systems. The article holds that the guarantee of creditor's rights includes the guarantee of the realization of creditor's rights and the guarantee of the existence of creditor's rights. The validity of creditor's rights is the intrinsic motive force of creditor's rights protection. The creditor's rights provided by the law are the request force, the execution force, the self-realization according to law, the disposition right and the holding power. The article concretely analyzes the various systems that constitute the guarantee system of creditor's rights. In view of the key status and role of the system of responsible property in the protection of claims, this article specifically differentiates the concept of responsible property and distinguishes the type of responsible property. The conclusion part of the article expounds the relationship between the various claims protection system.
E70 10是一种口服活性磺胺类抗肿瘤药 ,具有良好的抗各种皮下接种的啮齿类及人类肿瘤移植物活性。本研究的目的是评价E70 10对原位移植鼠结肠 38肿瘤的C5 7BL/ 6同基因小鼠肝转移
北风呼呼地刮着,天已经完全黑了下来。呼啸的寒风刮得树枝狂舞,犹如一只狰狞的怪兽,令人毛骨悚然。饥饿、寒冷让我不禁再一次裹紧了单薄的棉袄。我在回家的路上徘徊着,心里在想着回家还是不回家。再拐个弯就到家了,可是我突然觉得回家的路好长好长,和妈妈的距离好远好远。  早上我和妈妈赌气,没有吃饭,因为测试没有考好,她在厨房对我唠叨个不停。于是,我一气之下离开了这个让人生厌的家。究竟要去哪里,我一片茫然。  
编辑同志: 两年前,独居生活的六旬老人谭某突发心脏病,幸得邻居何某及家人及时送到医院抢救才保住性命。为感谢邻居何某,谭某请何某父亲执笔代写一份遗嘱,约定其死后,赠送给
从远古时期的恐龙灭绝开始,有多少物种渐渐在地球上消失了,那是与人类同等价值的生命啊,就让我们在心中重现它们可爱的身影吧。 From the beginning of the dinosaurs in a
法律的欠缺已使消费者维权步履沉重,官方的传统思维方式,愈使消费者几乎无路可走。 Lack of law has led to a heavy consumer rights walk, the official traditional way