我院农学系72级全体师生于1974年9月到田阳县田洲公社隆平大队进行开门办学。10月上旬发现晚稻受稻飞虱和粘虫为害,为了确保粮食大丰收,全体师生遵照伟大领袖毛主席关于“教育必须为无产阶级政治服务,必须同生产劳动相结合”的教导,在当地党的领导下,与隆平大队贫下中农一起开展了稻飞虱、粘虫的大田普查和群众性防治运动,取得了良好效果。 开门办学,深入农村,在阶级斗争、生产斗争和科学实验三项伟大革命运动中,农学系120位工农兵学员和5位教师深刻体会到:开门办学是实现教育革命的必要途径,也是密切联系生产实际,为生产服务和向贫下中农再学习的好方式。
All 72 teachers and students of Agronomy Department of our college went to open the door to Long Ping Brigade of Tianzhou Commune in Tian Yang County in September, 1974. In late October, late rice was found to be affected by planthoppers and armyworms. In order to ensure a good harvest, all teachers and students follow the guidance of Chairman Mao on "education must serve proletarian politics and must be integrated with productive labor. Under the leadership of the party, a large-scale census and mass campaign against planthoppers and armyworms were carried out with the poor middle peasants of Longping Brigade and achieved good results. In the course of the three great revolutionary movements of class struggle, the struggle for production and scientific experiments, 120 workers, peasant and soldiers soldiers and 5 teachers in the agronomy department realized profoundly that opening a school is a necessary way for realizing the educational revolution and is also closely linked Production is a good way to produce services and learn from poor middle peasants again.