
来源 :河北林业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shan527333
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2016年植树节的前一天,河北省召开全省造林绿化和林场改革的电视电话会议,会议开到了县、区主要领导和主管领导这一级,会议主讲领导是主管林业的副省长沈小平。作为省政府领导,在不到一小时的讲话中,没有繁文缛节、没有套话大话,仅从四个方面部署了2016年的林业工作。2016年是“十三五”开局之年,“十三五”河北省委、省政府的林业“执政”目标要造林2100万亩,森林覆盖率达到35%。每年完成造林420万亩,覆盖率净增一个百分点,让全省林业人感到任务的沉甸甸。开局年、植树节日,明晰的任务让全省各级党委、政府的主要领导把目光聚集在主席台的主管省长沈小平,看这位出身于农家,扎根于基层,熟悉林业的领导如何号令。 The day before the Arbor Day 2016, Hebei Province held a teleconference for afforestation and forestry reform in the province. The meeting opened to the leaders of the county and district levels and led the leadership. The speaker under the leadership of the conference was Shen Xiaoping, the vice governor in charge of forestry. . As the leader of the provincial government, in less than one hour’s speech, there was no red tape, no clichés, and the 2016 forestry work was deployed in only four aspects. 2016 is the first year of “13th Five-Year Plan”. The target of “governing” the “provincial government and government of Hebei Province during the 13th Five-Year Plan” is to plant 21 million mu of forests and achieve a forest coverage rate of 35%. 4.2 million mu of afforestation are completed each year, a net increase of one percentage point in the coverage rate, so that the entire province forestry people feel the heavy task. In the first year of the project, the tree planting festival and the clear task led the major leaders of Party committees and governments at all levels in the province to concentrate on the podium’s chief governor, Shen Xiaoping. See how the leader of the peasant family, rooted in the grassroots, and forestry .
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