1 试验概况 我们于1997春季由山东金乡引进SO4插条,当年采用营养袋育苗并栽植,试验地点玉泉营葡萄酒厂。每年冬季平茬,4月下旬萌芽后放任生长。主要对其生长发育情况进行调查、测定,以便摸清其生长规律和特性,为进一步开发利用提供依据。2 试验方法: 选取有代表性的1年生完整新梢一根作试材,同时,选取一根完整的霞多丽新梢为对照,分别从下至上逐个测定枝条的节间长度(见表1)并结合田间观察和调查,与室内测定数据互相补充。3 结果及讨论3.1新梢生长情况如表1(葡萄新梢节间长度调查)所示:3.1.1SO4新梢全年生长50-60节,最高可达66节,比霞多丽分别高出8-10节。而成熟节数40-50节,与霞多丽
1 Test Profile We introduced the SO4 cuttings from Shandong Jinxiang in the spring of 1997, when we used nursery bags of nursery bags and planted them at Yuquanying wineries. Stubble every winter, in late April after sprouting growth. The main growth and development of its investigation, determination, in order to find out its growth patterns and characteristics, to provide the basis for further development and utilization. 2 Test methods: Select a representative of the 1-year-a full shoot a new material, at the same time, select a complete Chardonnay shoots as a control, respectively, from the bottom up one by one to measure the internode length (see Table 1 ) Combined with field observations and surveys to complement laboratory data. 3 Results and discussion 3.1 Growth of shoots As shown in Table 1 (internode length survey of grape shoots), 3.1.1 new shoots grew 50-60 knots throughout the year with a maximum of 66 knots, higher than that of Chardonnay 8-10. The number of mature sections 40-50, and Chardonnay