聂绀弩致高旅信(一) (1961.5.29-1962.12)

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笔者曾于1998年2月底赴香港,原拟拜访高旅先生有所请教,始知他于1997年8月 10日突然去世。不意失此先达良师,深感震悼。高旅夫人熊笑年女士已将其遗稿整理出10余大纸箱,并准备捐献给香港和内地两处,供学者研究。遗稿中有好友聂绀发弩文革前来信一束,笔者有幸蒙允得以一览,并复印携归。后来熊笑年先生又将后整理出来的文革后聂甜弩来信全部复印寄来。 聂甜弩的信件能如此集中地发现,殊觉宝贵。因为在文化大革命将临时,聂老曾有“全毁某诗稿”之举并诗以记之,且嘱好友亦尽毁所存的自己文字。尽管此举亦并未能逃脱噩运,但造成了现在搜集其只言片语也感困难的状况。不过他在1962年1月13日致高旅的信中曾说,“我跟你写这写那,固然有老来笔迹留于友人处之意”,岂已预料到将有今天,而预先准备,在香港这个特殊的地方,通过好友而留下一些痕迹乎?果如此,亦可谓“狡猾”矣。 聂绀弩致高旅信(包括抄寄的诗)共240余纸,极少注有年份,次序已错乱。经笔者按内容排比,大致可看出写于1961年5月27日至1985年2月4日之间。信中抄寄诗有220首之多,从未发表过的佚诗即近70首。笔者在录入时尽量保持信及诗的原来格式:原无标点者仍旧,原用异体字者尽量保持 The author went to Hong Kong at the end of February 1998 and was originally asked to consult with Mr. Gao Lu for knowing that he suddenly died on August 10, 1997. Inadvertently lost this first division mentor, deeply mourn. Ms Xiong Xiaonian, a high-traveling lady, has sorted out his posthums into more than 10 cartons and is going to donate it to Hong Kong and the Mainland for study by scholars. A manuscript has a friend Nie cyanate crossbow before the letter sent a letter, I was fortunate enough to take a glance, and copy with the return. Later, Xiong Xiaonian turn again after sorting out the Nie sweet cross after the Cultural Revolution letters sent all the copies sent. Nie sweet crossbow letters can be found so concentrated, special treasure. Because in the Cultural Revolution will be temporary, Nie Lao had “destroy a poem,” the move and poetry to remember, and urged friends also destroy their own writings saved. Although this move has not escaped the bad luck, it has caused some difficulties in collecting its own words now. However, in his letter of January 13, 1962, to High Travel, he said: “I wrote this with you, though I always have the handwriting left behind by my friends.” Has it been predicted that there will be today, Ready to leave some traces through friends in this special place of Hong Kong? If so, it can be described as “cunning” carry on. Nie Gan crossbow led to high travel (including copied poems) a total of more than 240 paper, very few note of the year, the order has been confused. By the author row by row, can be roughly seen written in May 27, 1961 to February 4, 1985 between. There are as many as 220 first-time transcribed poems in the letter, and nearly 70 first-published anonymous poems have never been published. I try to keep the original letter and poetry in the original format: the original punctuation still, the original use of different characters as far as possible to maintain
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