Ecological stoichiometry of nitrogen, phosphorous, and sulfur in China's forests

来源 :Acta Geochimica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyhf_lwh
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Much attention has been paid to the stoichiometry of carbon(C), nitrogen(N), and phosphorus(P) because of their significance for plant growth and climate change. However, other nutrients, such as sulfur(S), are often ignored. In this study, we analyzed the stoichiometry of N, P, and S in leaves of 348 plant species in China’s forests. The results show higher N content and higher molar ratios of N/P and P/S in Angiospermae than in Gymnospermae. At the family level, Ulmaceae absorbed more N and P from soils than other families, and Cupressaceae absorbed more S than other families. In addition,except for bamboo and other tropical forests, leaf N and P content of China’s forests generally increased from low to middle latitudes and then slightly decreased or plateaued at high latitudes. Plant ecotypes, taxonomic groups, environmental conditions, atmospheric S precipitation, and soil-available N and P significantly affected the distribution and stoichiometry of leaf N, P, and S in China’s forests.Our study indicates that China’s forests are likely limited by P and S deficiencies which may increase in the future. Much attention has been paid to the stoichiometry of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) because of their significance for plant growth and climate change. However, other nutrients, such as sulfur (S), are often ignored In this study, we analyzed the stoichiometry of N, P, and S in leaves of 348 plant species in China’s forests. The results show higher N content and higher molar ratios of N / P and P / S in Angiospermae than in Gymnospermae. At the family level, Ulmaceae absorbed more N and P from soils than other families, and Cupressaceae absorbed more S than other families. In addition, except for bamboo and other tropical forests, leaf N and P content of China’s forests generally increased from low to middle latitudes and then slightly decreased or plateaued at high latitudes. Plant ecotypes, taxonomic groups, environmental conditions, atmospheric S precipitation, and soil-available N and P significantly affected the distribution and stoichiometry of leaf N, P, and S in China’s fo rests.Our study indicates that China’s forests are likely limited by P and S deficiencies which may increase in the future.
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