Application of General Fractal Dimension to Coupling Fault Diagnosis

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xieqi509
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This paper presents the coucept of general and sensitive dimension, and also proposes the calculation formula of the general dimension least squares method. By calculating and analyzing the power spectrum and general dimension from the fault sample, the relationship is achieved between sample status and the general dimension from vibration signals of the equipment so as to provide reference to fault diagnosis. Furthermore, a correlation function of general dimension is proposed, and calculations are carried out for a monitor signal and samples signal. The diagnosis method based on fractal theory is effective through the concrete examples of the steam electric generating set fault diagnosis, and the correlation coefficient of general dimension between a monitor signal and samples signal can improve the accuracy for fault diagnosis. This paper presents the coucept of general and sensitive dimension, and also proposes the calculation formula of the general dimension least squares method. By calculating and analyzing the power spectrum and general dimension from the fault sample, the relationship is achieved between sample status and the general dimension from vibration signals of the equipment so as to provide reference to fault diagnosis. The diagnosis function based on fractal theory is effective through the concrete examples of the steam electric generating set fault diagnosis, and the correlation coefficient of general dimension between a monitor signal and samples signal can improve the accuracy for fault diagnosis.
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