今年《中国钓鱼》第八期上刊登了编辑部的卷首语《北京钓友有点烦》。《中国钓鱼》不愧为钓鱼人自己的刊物,她真真切切道出了北京钓友的心声。 作为北京的一名老住户,亲身经历了北京的巨变。从20世纪80年代之前的“衣装不整”,到今天的雄伟靓丽;从窑坑野塘星罗棋布,到当前的凤毛麟角。一方面为北京的日新月异和飞速发展感到欣喜和自豪,一方面作为普通垂钓者,再不能像从前那样
This year’s “Chinese Fishing,” the eighth issue of the editorial office of the first language “Beijing Diaoyou a bit annoying.” “Chinese fishing” worthy of the fisherman’s own publications, she really out of Beijing fishing angrily. As an old resident in Beijing, he personally experienced the great changes in Beijing. From the 1980s before the “uniforms,” to today’s majestic beauty; from the kiln pit Yokota dotted, to the current rare. On the one hand, he is delighted and proud of Beijing’s rapid development and rapid development. On the one hand, as an ordinary angler, it can no longer be the same as before