对于青少年问题 ,日本政府、地方行政机构和研究部门都持哪些看法呢 ?让我们姑且看看日本总务厅青少年对策本部编辑出版的《青少年白皮书》是怎么说的。在 1 999年版《青少年白皮书》中刊登了题为“青少年行政的沿革及其对 2 1世纪的展望”的文章。通过该文 ,我们可以了解到战
What are the views held by the Japanese government, local government agencies and research departments on adolescent issues? Let us take a tentative look at what the “Youth White Paper” edited and published by the Youth Affairs Strategy Division of Japan’s General Service Office says. An article titled “History of Adolescent Administration and Its Prospects for the 21st Century” is published in the Junior Edition white paper for 1999. Through this article, we can understand the war