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近年来,随着人民群众生活水平的不断提高,对医疗服务质量的需求也越来越高。原有公立大医院占主导地位的市场垄断格局逐步被打破,改革和环境的变化使军队医院面临新的挑战。如何利用社会医疗资源不断完善自身造血功能,更好地为社会、为部队服务成为军队医院亟待解决的问题。从现实情况看,经费投入不足是制约军队医院发展的瓶颈之一。因此,充分利用社会优质资源,采取“借鸡生蛋”的经营策略,吸引民营资本参与医院运营管理值得尝试与探讨。 In recent years, with the continuous improvement of living standards of the people, the demand for the quality of medical services is also getting higher and higher. The monopoly of the market dominated by the existing major public hospitals has been gradually broken. Changes in the reform and the environment have made military hospitals face new challenges. How to make use of social medical resources to continuously improve its own hematopoietic function and better serve the society and serve as a military hospital has become an urgent issue to be solved. Judging from the reality, inadequate funding is one of the bottlenecks that restrict the development of military hospitals. Therefore, it is worth trying and discussing how to make full use of high-quality resources in society and adopt the business strategy of “borrowing chicken and giving birth” to attract private capital to participate in hospital operation and management.
目的 研究P2Y1受体对缺血时星形胶质细胞产生胶质原纤维酸性蛋白(glial fibrillary acidic protein,GFAP)及胶质细胞源性神经营养因子(glial cell line-derived neurotrophic
采用无水乙醚超声萃取得到新鲜木荷(Schima superba)花浸膏提取物,顶空固相微萃取富集挥发性成分,气相色谱-质谱联用仪分析,归一化法计算各组分的相对含量.鉴定出挥发性化合
从2005年11月至2006年12月,共捡到死鸟866只.澳门地区所捡死鸟数量在各区域分布非常不均匀(F2,39=9.824, P=0.003),以澳门半岛发现的死鸟数量最多,占总数量的73.2%,而氹仔和
2006年4~7月和2007年4~8月,在贵州贵定县境内采用定点观察法对领雀嘴鹎的繁殖行为进行了初步观察.结果 表明,领雀嘴鹎主要栖息于林缘次生林、河岸及斜坡灌丛林.繁殖期为4~8月,巢