I. Accelerating Price Reforms Sichuan has appropriately increased the weight of price reforms in the later stages of governance and rectification. In 1991, the total level of social retail prices in the province increased by 2.3% over the previous year, which was the lowest price increase since 1983. The structural adjustment of prices has taken a step forward. In addition to adjustments made according to the projects arranged by the state, provincial and local governments have successively adjusted the prices of commodities and charges that are administered by some local governments. In terms of the price management system, in order to support the development of large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, the price management authority has been appropriately relaxed, and some of the price approval authority received during the rectification period has been returned to the enterprise. The provincial ex-factory prices for 48 (class) heavy industry products and 17 (categories) of light industrial products were placed on the company’s own pricing.