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农村基层党风廉政建设主体责任和监督责任能否落实到位,直接关系着农村基层党风廉政建设工作的有效开展,党和政府在群众中的威信和形象,党群、干群关系的改善,农村的稳定与发展。首先是落实好乡镇党委的主体责任。乡镇党委要把农村基层党风廉政建设摆上重要议事日程,纳入农村工作的总体规划之中,党委书记履行好责任,应亲自过问、亲自部署工作,协调解决重大问题;重视和支持乡镇纪委 The primary responsibility and supervisory responsibility of the grassroots work-style construction in rural areas at the grassroots level have a direct bearing on the effective implementation of the work of building a clean government at the grassroots level in rural areas, the prestige and image of the party and government among the masses, the improvement of the relations among the party and the masses, Rural stability and development. The first is to implement the main responsibility of township party committees. Township party committees should put the work of building an honest and clean government at the grassroots level in an important agenda and include them in the overall plan for rural work. Party committee secretaries should perform their duties in good faith and should personally interview and personally deploy work to coordinate and solve major problems; attach importance to and support the township discipline inspection commission
这是一件民国时期日本人带制作的八仙过海象牙雕塑,其造型古朴典雅,其色彩素中有雅,工艺精湛,真是巧夺天工!这件作品是出自有丰富经验的工艺大师之手,最精彩之处是刻画人物的神态,八个人物各有心思,真令今人拍手叫绝,是一件难得的稀世珍品。  八仙过海是中国民间的传说。相传有一次八仙在蓬莱阁上聚会饮酒,酒至酣时铁拐李提议乘兴到海上一游,众仙齐声附合,并言定各凭道法渡海,不得乘舟。  汉钟离率先把大芭蕉扇往海