采用Schwartz(2005)的文化价值观量表对中南大学的来自全国不同地区的7 599名大一新生进行文化价值观问卷调查,对调查结果进行信度与效度检验,并分析全国七个文化区域的“和谐”、“平等主义”、“等级观念”、“征服”等文化价值观维度的得分情况。结果表明,中国七个不同区域的文化价值观存在差异,东北地区具有严重的等级观念,争强好胜,与华东地区形成鲜明的对比;华北地区强调和谐,与自然融为一体,与华南地区形成鲜明的对比;西南地区征服感较弱,而华中地区征服感较强但平等主义观念淡薄。
Based on Schwartz’s (2005) cultural values questionnaire, 7,599 freshmen from different regions of Central South University underwent a questionnaire survey on the cultural values to test the reliability and validity of the survey results and to analyze the cultural differences between the seven cultural regions in China “Harmony ”, “egalitarianism ”, “class concept ”, “conquest ” and other cultural values of the dimension of the score. The results show that there are differences in the cultural values of seven different regions in China, and the northeastern region has a graded concept of vie with one another and stands out in stark contrast to East China. In northern China, it emphasizes harmony and merges with nature, forming a clear distinction with South China The conquest in the southwest is weaker, while the conquest in central China is stronger but the doctrine of egalitarianism is weak.