一、前言 对铁磁性材料表面疵病的检测,磁粉检验是一种比较有效的方法。它主要由以下几个步骤组成;①在零件内部建立大小适当的磁感应强度;②把磁粉均匀撒在零件表面;③对磁粉图作出正确的判断;④必要时将零件充分退磁。要达到这些目的,首先要对受检材料的磁特性有充分的了解;其次要使用正确的充磁方法,并要特别弄清楚受检材料
First, the foreword Detection of ferromagnetic material surface defects, magnetic particle testing is a more effective method. It is mainly composed of the following steps: ① in the parts to establish the appropriate size of the magnetic flux density; ② scattered evenly on the surface of the parts; ③ magnetic particle map to make the right judgments; ④ if necessary, fully demagnetization parts. To achieve these goals, first of all, the magnetic properties of the material to be tested have a full understanding; followed by the use of the correct method of magnetization, and to be particularly clear about the material under inspection