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  Ma: Full Vitality for Motherland
  By Li Zi
  I met Ma Lie (the pinyin pronunciation of the given name resembles that ofEnglish word leer) in January, 2011 when he came back from Norway to Hangzhou to attend the 4th session of the 10th congress of CPPCC Zhejiang in the capacity of an overseas deputy. He has been in Norway for about 20 years. Now he is chairman of Hangzhou Fraternity Association of Europe. I met him at the hotel where deputies were staying. While our interview was in progress, some of his relatives popped in to see him. After a brief interview, he left for the CPPCC session. While we rode the elevator down to the lobby, he said he preferred to write at night when he could think more clearly and know better about his sentiments.
  Ma Lie left Hangzhou for Norway in the early 1990s when he was in his early 40s. An excellent teacher of cooking, he had helped edit a book on Chinese cuisine and taught more than 4,000 students. In my interview with him, he said proudly that he could have free dinners in all the restaurants in eastern China. But life in Norway was totally different. He needed to start all over again.
  He worked as a chef. This sounds ordinary enough, but his employer was the Norwegian prime minister. The job gave him an opportunity to introduce these Norwegian politicians to the exquisite Chinese taste. They fell in love with the oriental cuisine.
  Ma later started a Chinese restaurant in Oslo’s China Town. At that time, the only Chinese light refreshment known to most Norwegians was the spring roll. One day, Ma hit upon the idea of introducing a unique Hangzhou snack to local residents. The snack is a spring roll folded over with a deep-fried twisted dough stick sandwiched in between. The Hangzhou snack soon became popular with diners at his restaurant. The success inspired Ma to localize Chinese dishes so that local residents would love them. His innovative menu helped start a Chinese cuisine trend in Norway.
  Ma is proud that his eldest son now runs the food and beverage department of the best five-star hotel in Oslo.
  With his business becoming a success in Norway, Ma took the initiative to establish a fraternity organization so that fellow Chinese from his home province Zhejiang in Europe in general and Norway in particular could strengthen their ties with their motherland. With a number of fellow enthusiasts, he helped set up Zhejiang Fraternity Association of Norway and Hangzhou Fraternity Association of Europe and formulate the mission statement: solidarity, business, contribution. The organizations aim to set up and strengthen business and cultural ties between European countries and Hangzhou.
  Now Ma serves as a special overseas deputy to the CPPCC Zhejiang branch and attends its annual provincial session early every year. His stay in Hangzhou gives him opportunities to promote exchanges and ties. Now the Hangzhou Fraternity Association of Europe and the Zhejiang Federation of Industry and Commerce Associations are sisterly organizations. A Norwegian city and Tonglu, a rural county under the jurisdiction of Hangzhou, have knotted their friendly ties. In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Norway, Tonglu County brought Chinese paintings and calligraphic artworks as well as artworks of paper-cutting, a traditional art popular in Tonglu, to Norway.
  Like many overseas Chinese who donate generously to relief and charity projects back home in China, Ma Lie has donated generously. But unlike many fellow Chinese in Europe, Ma is determined to have hands-on experience of the projects he has helped launch and operate. He has donated to three Hope primary schools in Wangzhai Township in Chun’an, a mountainous county in the remote edge of greater Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang Province. Over the past eight years, he has not only helped improve the hardware of the schools but also urged local people to improve the software.
  Over the past eight years, he has managed to visit the three schools every time he was in Hangzhou. During a visit to one of the three schools, he noticed the pickled vegetable in some children’s lunch boxes had gone bad. He asked why and learned that some children went back home once a week and then brought the pickled vegetable for the next week. In warm days, the pickled vegetables wouldn’t last a week. He decided to buy refrigerators for the schools and urged teachers to make sure that the children would stay healthy.
  During the interview, he asked me to contact a journalist of Zhejiang Daily. He showed me a small piece of paper on which was a brief note he had jotted down. It turned out that he had read a report in the newspaper about a physically challenged college girl named Shen Qiao from a poverty-stricken family. The girl wondered if someone could help her take a photograph of her parents. On the paper was the name of the journalist, the telephone number, the day the report appeared and the page on which the story ran. From the wrinkled status of the paper, I thought he must have carried it for a while. He had dialed the number several times but failed to find the journalist. He wondered if I could help locate the girl.
  With the arrangements finally made and with the accompaniment of the journalist who had written about the girl, Ma Lie met with Shen Qiao on the Zijingang Campus of Zhejiang University on January 20th, 2011, a snowy day. Ma Lie presented Shen with a digital camera. He announced that he would continue to support the girl in various ways. The girl photographed Ma in the first picture on the camera.
  After the annual session, Ma Lie, now the grandpa of twin grandsons who had just been 100 days old, held a dinner banquet to entertain his relatives and friends in Hangzhou. He explained the dinner was a Chinese tradition. On the behalf of his grandsons Ma expressed his gratitude to relatives and friends for their love, care and concerns. “We cannot do much, but we will do our best,” explained Ma Lie, smiling from ear to ear. “Though we are busy, we are highly motivated.”
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