10月17日,省直机关“喜迎十八大岗位做奉献”主题活动启动仪式在太原南宫广场举行。省委书记、省人大常委会主任袁纯清宣布活动启动,省政协主席薛延忠,省委常委、副省长高建民,省人大常委会副主任杜玉林出席,省委常委、秘书长杜善学主持。省水利厅厅长潘军峰在启动仪式上作典型发言。省直部门党员干部2 000余人参加。
October 17, the provincial authorities “to celebrate the 18th post to do dedication,” the theme of the launching ceremony was held in Taiyuan Palace Square. Yuan Chunqing, secretary of the provincial party committee and director of the provincial people’s congress, announced the launch of the activity. Xue Yanzhong, chairman of the provincial CPPCC Committee, Gao Jianmin, member of the provincial party committee and vice governor, and Du Yulin, deputy director of the provincial people’s congress attended the meeting. Pan Junfeng, director of the Provincial Department of Water Resources made a typical speech at the launching ceremony. Provincial party branch cadres and more than 2,000 people attended.