十五届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于农业和农村工作若干重大问题的决定》指出 :“没有农村的稳定就没有全国的稳定…… ,稳住农村这个大头 ,就有了把握全局的主动权”。《决定》把农村的稳定提到了前所未有的政治高度 ,对指导我们的工作 ,具有重大意义。当前 ,农村大局是稳定?
The “Decision of the CPC Central Committee and Central Committee on Several Major Issues concerning Agriculture and Rural Work” passed by the Third Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee pointed out: “Without the stability of the countryside, there will be no stability across the country... To stabilize the bulk of the rural areas, there will be initiatives to grasp the overall situation right”. The “Decision” mentioned the stability of the rural areas to unprecedented political heights and is of great significance in guiding our work. At present, the overall situation in rural areas is stable?