引言由平板闸门下泄的高速水流,流经衬砌的隧洞或陡槽时,在许多工程实践中,引起过严重的气蚀(或称空蚀)破坏问题。通过水工模型试验研究,曾探求了几种特殊形式的结构措施,可以免除这类气蚀的发生。这些研究包括有:已建成的帕里沙歹坝(palisades Dam)和奈瓦娇坝(Navajo Dam),普布鲁坝(Pueblo Dam)两项新建工程,水晶坝(CrystalDam)的一项拟建工程(原设计为一土坝,以后由于水工试验结果,建议改为混凝土坝),
INTRODUCTION In many engineering practices, severe cavitation (or cavitation) damage has been the problem when high-velocity currents discharged through flat sluices flow through lined tunnels or chutes. Through the hydraulic model test research, has sought several special forms of structural measures to eliminate such cavitation. These include the completion of two new projects, the completed Palisades Dam and Navajo Dam, the Pueblo Dam, a proposed project for Crystal Dam, (Originally designed as an earth dam, later due to hydraulic test results, the proposed change to concrete dam),