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上海市青浦区练塘镇是老一辈无产阶级革命家陈云同志的故乡,早在二十世纪二十年代涌现了陈云、高尔松、高而柏、吴志喜、方强等一大批革命志士,他们为了民族的解放、为了祖国的建设、为了人民的幸福奉献了自己的青春年华,奉献了自己的一切,他们是中华民族的精英。他们的业绩和风范,思想和品质值得后人颂扬和学习。高而柏,字咏薇,笔名郭真,系高尔松之弟,昆仲齐名。上海市青浦区练塘镇人,祖居镇东高家埭村。幼年就读于镇上颜安小学,小学毕业后入上海南洋公学中院学习。他在南洋公学中院读书时,参与反对“尊孔读经”。“五四”运动时期,他接受侯绍裘、杨贤江、施存统、俞秀松等人的熏陶指引,走上革命的道路。在上海他积极声援北京“五四”反帝爱国运动,参加学校演讲团,开办义务工人夜校,上课教书,宣传亡国痛苦,以唤醒民众。 Liantang Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai is the hometown of Comrade Chen Yun, a proletarian revolutionary of the older generation. As early as the twenties of the twentieth century, a large number of revolutionary intellectuals such as Chen Yun, Golson, Gaobo Bo, Wu Zhixi and Fang Qiang emerged In order to liberate the nation, to build the motherland, to dedicate their own youth to the happiness of the people, and to devote themselves to everything, they are the elites of the Chinese nation. Their achievements and demeanor, their thoughts and their qualities deserve to be praised and learned by their descendants. High and cypress, word Yong Wei, pseudonym Guo Zhen, Department of Gorshung brother, Kunzhong par. Liantang Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai, Zu Juzhen East Gao Village. Young attended Yan’an Primary School in the town, after graduating from primary school in Shanghai Nanyang Public School to study. When he was studying at the Nanyang Public School, he was opposed to “Reading Confucian Classics.” During the May 4th Movement, he embraced the guiding ideology of Hou Shaoqiu, Yang Xianjiang, Shi Cuncon and Yu Xiusong, and embarked on the path of revolution. In Shanghai, he actively supported Beijing’s “May 4th” anti-imperialist patriotic movement, participated in the school lecture group, started a night school for volunteer workers, taught in class and publicized the pain of overseas death to awaken the public.
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In continuous casting rolling process, the deformed body is different from the hot rolling strip. The metal in casting rolling zone is first assumed to be visco
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经过5年的徘徊,阿德列2002年在室内创造了3000米8分29秒15世界纪录并在室内世锦赛夺得银牌,使明星辈出的埃塞俄比亚女子长跑再增加一颗耀眼的新星。 贝哈尼·阿德列可说是大