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4月9日,第二十次全省高校党建工作会议在南昌召开。省委书记强卫为会议的召开作出重要批示。强卫在批示中肯定了全省高校党建工作近年来取得的成绩,并就如何贯彻党的十八大和第二十一次全国高校党建工作会议精神,提高全省高校党的建设科学化水平,提出了明确要求。省委副书记尚勇出席会议并讲话,省委常委、省委组织部部长莫建成主持会议,副省长朱虹作具体部署。尚勇对2012年全省高校党建工作取得的成绩给予了充分肯定,对做好今年工作提出了要求。他指出,高校党的建设作为实现高等教育事业科学发展的根本保证工程与核心动力工程,必须始终摆在重中之重的战略性位置,一刻不放松地抓紧抓好。尚勇要求,要把立德树人作为根本任务,培养造就理想远大、学识深厚、富有创新精神 On April 9, the 20th meeting of the party construction in colleges and universities in the province was held in Nanchang. Provincial Party Secretary Qiang Wei made important instructions for the convening of the meeting. In the instructions, Qiang Wei affirmed the achievements made by the party building in colleges and universities throughout the province in recent years and raised the scientific level of party building in colleges and universities in terms of how to carry out the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the 21st National Conference on Party Building in Colleges and Universities , Made a clear request. Shang Yong, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, attended the meeting and made a speech. Mo Jiancheng, member of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Organization Department, chaired the meeting. Zhu Hong, the vice governor, made a specific deployment. Shang Yong fully affirmed the achievements made by the party building in colleges and universities throughout the province in 2012 and set forth the requirements for doing a good job this year. He pointed out: As the fundamental guarantee project and the core impetus project for the scientific development of higher education, the building of the party in colleges and universities must always be placed in a top-priority strategic position and should be grasped without any relaxation at a moment’s notice. Shangyong demands that we should take Lideshu people as their fundamental task and cultivate people with lofty ideals, profound knowledge and innovative spirit
采用盆栽试验,研究无柄小叶榕(Ficus concinna var.Subsessilis)对盐碱地土壤重金属Cd和Cu的富集和转运能力,并探讨投加生物表面活性剂鼠李糖脂(RL)对无柄小叶榕生长及其吸收