建筑用砂浆中,用量最多、最广的是水泥砂浆、白灰砂浆和水泥白灰混合砂浆。这三种砂浆都存在质重、保温性能差等问题。为此河北省有关部门,利用粉煤灰、膨胀珍珠岩和海泡石研制成功了建筑节能保温砂浆,日前通过鉴定。 新研制的砂浆,具有保温隔热、吸音、防火等功能。经唐山钢铁公司建筑安装公司使用后认为,施工很方便,抹灰速度快,抹完的墙面光滑、平整,没有空鼓、裂缝,后期强度大。由于该砂浆,使用了粉煤灰,因此成本低;配入了膨胀珍珠岩,因此重量轻、保温隔热效果好;配入了
The most used and most widely used mortar for construction is cement mortar, white-ash mortar and cement white-ash mortar. All three kinds of mortars have problems such as heavy weight and poor heat preservation performance. To this end, the relevant departments in Hebei Province, using fly ash, expanded perlite and sepiolite successfully developed the building energy-saving insulation mortar, a few days ago through the identification. The newly developed mortar has the functions of thermal insulation, sound absorption, and fire prevention. After the construction and installation company of Tangshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. used it, it was found that the construction was very convenient, the plastering speed was fast, and the wiped wall was smooth and flat, with no hollowing or cracks, and the later strength was high. Due to the use of fly ash, the mortar has a low cost and is formulated with expanded perlite, so it is lightweight and has good thermal insulation;