1957年10月7日,杨刚在《人民日报》副总编辑岗位上骤然辞世。正值52岁的盛年。两年前因公遭遇车祸,造成严重脑震荡,久治不愈。惯于全身心投入工作的她,怎能承受这病休的孤寂窘境?加之,又置身“反右派”严重扩大化声浪的冲击,刚直不阿的她怎能适应这种极不正常的政治氛围!兴许,为了求得身心的解脱,她坦然地撒手人寰而去? 杨刚的一生,是在不断超越自我中“寻觅生命,萦念人生”的一生,她的命运始终紧扣着祖国和人民的命运。
On October 7, 1957, Yang Gang suddenly died in the post of Deputy Chief Editor of People’s Daily. It is 52 years old. Two years ago due to public traffic accident, causing serious concussion, prolonged healing. How can she endure the loneliness of the illness when she is used to work wholeheartedly? In addition, she is exposed to the serious impact of “anti-Rightists” in amplifying the sound waves. How can she adapt to such a very abnormal political atmosphere? Perhaps, in order to gain the liberation of body and mind, she calmly took the world away? Yang Gang’s life is constantly surpassing himself in the “looking for life, life,” the life, her fate has been closely linked with the fate of the motherland and the people .