肝切除术是肝癌最主要的根治性治疗手段。肝脏解剖结构复杂、血供丰富,手术难度大,但随着手术设备的不断升级以及手术技术的发展,目前多数治疗中心的围手术期死亡率<5%。然而,肝切除术后并发症发生率仍然高达15%~50%,如何进一步降低术后并发症的发生率是目前亟待解决的临床问题。为了规范肝切除围手术期管理,肿瘤防治专家委员会特邀请国内不同领域专家,以原发性肝癌诊疗规范(2019年版)为指导,结合国内肝癌诊疗特点,遵循加速康复外科理念,修订并更新形成肝癌肝切除围手术期管理中国专家共识(2021年版)。“,”Hepatectomy is a major radical treatment for liver cancer. Although the hepatectomy is of great difficulty for the complicated anatomical structure and rich blood supply of liver, the operative mortality is less than 5% in most treatment centers currently along with the upgrading surgical instruments and developing surgical technology. Nevertheless, it is urgent clinical topic to furtherly reduce the incidence of complication in the wake of hepatectomy, which reaches up to 15%~50%. To standardize the peri-operative management of hepatectomy, on the basis of the standardization for diagnosis and treatment of primary hepatic carcinoma (2019), the Cancer Prevention and Treatment Expert Committee revise and update to produce the expert consensus on the peri-operative management of hepatectomy for liver cancer (2021) according to the opinions of experts in different areas. This consensus takes account of the Chinese characteristics of diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer and follows the concept of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS), which will provide reference for the peri-operative management.