腋窝,俗称“胳肢窝”,它位于肩关节下方,臂和胸上部之间的凹陷处,当上肢外展时,它呈一个向上的穹隆状。腋窝在解剖学上是颈、胸部与上肢间血管、神经的通路,皮肤下还有腋淋巴结,汇集上肢、胸壁等处的淋巴液。腋窝在养生学上历来备受人们的关注,祖国医学把它与脐、背部统称为人体保健的三大特区。坚持按摩腋窝可以收到以下四方面的功效: (1) 增加肺活量,防治呼吸系统的疾病; (2) 增进食欲,提高消化能力;
Armpit, commonly known as the “armpit”, is located below the shoulder joint between the arm and the upper part of the depression between the upper extremities, it assumes an upward dome. Armpit is anatomically neck, chest and upper extremity blood vessels, nerve pathways, there are axillary lymph nodes under the skin, the collection of upper limbs, chest wall, etc. at the lymph. Armpit has always been the focus of human health, the motherland medicine and umbilical, back collectively known as the three major health care regions. Adhere to the armpit massage can receive the following four aspects of efficacy: (1) increase lung capacity, prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases; (2) increase appetite and improve digestion;