一味造势,能取得轰动效益吗? 有些商场在进行促销活动时,急功近利、哗众取宠有余,而着眼全局、深谋远虑不足,不是把主要精力放在商品质量、售后服务上,而是一味地希望通过一个点子、一个奇招怪术来唤起注意、吸引顾客。诚然,通过一些独特的促销活动,的确能使商场一夜扬
Blindly campaign, can get sensational benefits? Some shopping centers in the promotion, quick success, sensational more than, and focus on the overall situation, lack of foresight, not to focus on product quality, service, but blindly hope that through an idea, a strange trick to arouse attention ,attract customers. Indeed, through some unique promotional activities, can really make the mall overnight