自1962年Backr氏首次报告良性血尿后,迄今不断有报道。现将我院儿科病房1979~1984年间收治的26例报告如下。一般资料 26例中男21例,女5例。年龄2~8岁,其中2岁3例,3、4岁各7例,5岁5例,6、8岁各2例。发病季节以6、8、9月例数为多(6、7、5例)。诱发因素:上感21例,肺炎2例,疱疹性咽峡炎1例,原因不明2例。血尿持续时间:2天3例,3天11例,4天7例,5天5例。5年内复发1次20例,2次3例,3、4、5次各1例。 26例中有22例在血尿前1~3天出现微热、咳嗽、流涕;2例血尿时伴咳喘;2例血尿前无前驱症状。26
Since 1962 Backr’s first report of benign hematuria, so far has been reported. Now my hospital pediatric ward admitted from 1979 to 1984, 26 cases reported as follows. General information in 26 cases, 21 males and 5 females. Aged 2 to 8 years old, of which 2 years old in 3 cases, 3,4 years old in 7 cases, 5 years old in 5 cases, 6,8 years old in 2 cases. The incidence season to 6, 8, 9 cases for the many (6,7,5 cases). Induced factors: the sense of 21 cases, 2 cases of pneumonia, herpes angina in 1 case, the cause unknown 2 cases. Hematuria duration: 3 cases in 2 days, 3 cases in 11 cases, 4 days in 7 cases, 5 days in 5 cases. In 5 years, there were 20 recurrent cases in 1 case, 3 cases in 2 cases, 1 case in 3, 4, 5 cases. Twenty-two of 26 patients developed fever, cough and runny nose 1 to 3 days before hematuria, 2 had hematuria with cough and wheeze, and 2 had no prodromal symptoms before hematuria. 26